Toddler Room

From approximately 12-15 months old your child will be ready to transition into the Toddler Room which can hold up to 20 children. The ratio within this room remains at 1:3 and the children usually stay within this room until their second birthday.

This room is set up to accommodate the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and caters for each child’s individual developmental needs. Using the daily routine, staff plan appropriate activities incorporating a variety of activities which include sand & water, stories, action songs and a wide range of creative and messy play activities.

We have a big emphasis on the children’s fine and gross motor skills which rapidly expand during this age group and our in-depth planning system means we can plan for the children’s individual needs and interests, including lots of physical activities such as dancing, exploration and investigation. All the activities are planned in accordance with the EYFS which is used on a daily basis during observations of the children and the general planning and input to the day. The Toddler room offers a variety of different levels in order to explore, unlike the baby room which provides mainly floor based activities. This allows the Toddlers to investigate their physical development and extend their curiosities in a variety of areas. A role play area is introduced within the Toddler Room to allow the children to start developing their imaginative skills through the use of simple props to begin to make believe.

As the children begin to find their feet, they enjoy two outdoor play sessions each day. During these they children make full use of the climbing frame, bikes, bats & balls as they learn how to co-ordinate their movements, in wet weather the children are able to explore their physical skills within our dance and sensory room giving them the opportunity to participate in a range of music and movement activities.

Within the Toddler room the children are encouraged to extend their communication skills enhancing their verbal and non-verbal skills in order to communicate their wants and needs, and building up relationships with their peers. They will start to play games together and begin to show more independence throughout their own daily routine. Mealtimes are a social occasion within this room where we assist the children to develop their social skills through communication and social interactions. Children are encouraged to feed themselves with the support of staff sitting close by and they begin to manage their personal hygiene as they assist carers with face and hand cleaning before and after meals. Children are given a variety of refreshments throughout the day which include fresh fruit and milk.

Our Toddler Room staff work closely with both the Baby Room and Early Learner Room to ensure that transitions are smooth, ensuring routines are passed on and parents are consulted on room movement dates and children’s settling in times, also giving your child and their new key worker opportunities to bond.

Our Toddlers have a sleep after their lunch on individual labelled beds and blankets so they are fully refreshed for the afternoon’s activities.